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Acquire high-value signups for your free trial with Predictive AI

In this article you will learn about the challenges of acquiring low-value sign-ups for subscription based online businesses and strategies you can implement like - improved data collection, optimized enrichment & attribution and using predictive AI to acquire high-quality signups that actually convert for long-term subscriptions, helping increase your customer LTV and lower acquisition costs.

Indraneil Sheorey

Jul 23, 2024 · 10 min read

Efficiently Scale Your Paid Social Ad Spend by Understanding Ad Algorithms and Audience Segments

As an advertiser, marketer, or leader at an e-commerce business, your primary aim is to get the greatest return out of every advertising dollar you spend on ad platforms like Meta, Google, etc. But it can be tough to make more informed decisions about your marketing strategies, optimize advertising efforts or even help your performance marketing team get better results on your ad campaigns if you don’t understand how these ad platforms work and show your ads to the right audience who can potentially become long-term customers of your brand. In this article we will discuss how machine learning algorithms of these ad platforms work, so you can have a better understanding and make more informed choices about your marketing strategies by leveraging user data to improve ad campaigns, increase customer acquisition, reduce acquisition cost and drive higher average order values, helping you increase LTV:CAC at your business.

Reeto Mookherjee

Jul 05, 2024 · 11 min read

A Comprehensive Guide to Meta Conversions API (C-API): Effective Ad Optimization with Server-Side Tracking

With the privacy changes post iOS 14.5, it's no longer sufficient to send data (events) to ad platforms like Meta using only a browser pixel as increased privacy limits the amount of user data that can be tracked through browser-based methods. This will inevitably lead to a less accurate identification of your target audiences and sub-optimal ad auctions, making your ad targeting less effective. Which is why Server Side Tracking is a must now and as an Advertiser, you must also send the same events server-side using the conversion API (C-API) of the ad platform (e.g. Meta, Tiktok and Google Ads etc). While Meta's C-API is a standard framework that accepts relevant events, the way you surface, organize, and send your valuable 1st party and Zero-party (customer shared) data through the C-API significantly influences its effectiveness. Hence, various C-API integrations have been designed to help ad platforms identify your target audience and assist the ad auction in determining who should see your ad, when, and how often. But choosing the right C-API integration can be confusing and overwhelming, which is why in this article we will discuss different C-API solutions, and help you choose one that is ideal for your business.

Reeto Mookherjee

Jun 14, 2024 · 8 min read

Untapped Ad Revenue for Ecom Brands: Identify, Target & Convert Your Market's 'Movable Middle'.

As an Ecommerce brand advertising on Meta you are fighting for the same attention from consumers as your competitors in a highly competitive market. But what if we told you that you could tap into a pool of potential customers called the Movable Middle, who might not even be on your competitor’s radar? By tapping into this market segment you could significantly increase your sales and profitability, optimize your ad spend and expand your brand’s market share. However, identifying this group and optimizing your marketing strategies towards them can be challenging as even Meta’s powerful ad algorithms often fail to target this segment effectively. So in this article, we will discuss who the Movable Middle segment of potential customers is, how you can effectively target them with your marketing efforts, and win them over to your brand as loyal, long term customers.

Reeto Mookherjee

Jun 10, 2024 · 6 min read

Meta ASC+ acquisition campaigns are retargeting on “steroids”. Are you really getting new customers?

Since it was launched in August 2022, Meta ASC+ has gained significant traction amongst media buyers advertising on Meta but it has some serious limitations that could affect your ad strategy. In this article, we will identify those problems, how these problems could affect your ad strategy on Meta and what are some potential solutions you could leverage to resolve these issues to achieve greater effectiveness for your ad campaigns.

Reeto Mookherjee

May 15, 2024 · 7 min read

Great Retention Marketing Starts At The Top Of The Funnel

Getting the right customers in the door can dramatically improve your retention efforts and drive greater profitability for your business.

Mark Wasiljew

Sep 25, 2023 · 3 min read

Beginner's Guide to Predicting LTV and Optimizing for Profitability

Meta recently published a whitepaper on predicting Life Time Value and how to use it to boost your marketing efforts.  Here’s what you need to know as an ecommerce marketer:

Mark Wasiljew

Sep 08, 2023 · 4 min read

Understanding the Basics of Customer Lifetime Value

For Ecommerce merchants and marketers, Customer Lifetime Value (commonly abbreviated as CLV or CLTV) is one of the most important metrics for understanding how your business is performing and how to grow it. Here’s the basics you need to know to get started improving your business.

Mark Wasiljew

Aug 28, 2023 · 4 min read

Flavors of Lookalike Audiences: From Pixel-Based to Predictive Value-Based Seeds

As consumer brands strive to make their marketing campaigns more effective, lookalike audiences have become a crucial tool for reaching new customers who share similar traits and interests to their existing ones. However, the way in which these audiences are created has undergone significant changes in recent years. In this post, we'll explore the evolution of lookalike audiences from pixel-based to predictive value-based seed, and why this shift is important for marketers at consumer brands.

Reeto Mookherjee

May 01, 2023 · 5 min read

Unlocking Advertising Campaign Effectiveness: Different Methods to Measure Incrementality

Incrementality is a crucial metric for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. It involves comparing the difference in desired outcomes between two audience groups: one that has been exposed to an ad and another that hasn't. There are many philosophies on how to measure incrementality. However, regardless of which tactic you use, this measurement has become increasingly challenging in recent times due to data protection regulations and the limitations of online click-paths. This article explores popular methods for measuring incrementality, along with their respective pros and cons.

Reeto Mookherjee

Apr 24, 2023 · 8 min read

Customer Value from the Start: How Predictive Lifetime Value Can Help Brands Predict the Future

In this article we discuss how predictive lifetime value (pLTV) can help your brand identify your high-value repeat customers even before they make their first purchase. The sooner you can derive a pLTV signal in your customers' lifecycle, the more useful it becomes for nurturing, and as such pLTV signals can be used for retention marketing as well as prospecting marketing. Learn more in the post!

Reeto Mookherjee

Apr 17, 2023 · 7 min read

Unlocking the Potential of The Prospect Data Platform: Use Cases to Boost Your Business Growth

In our last post we introduced the Prospect Data Platform (PDP), the newest essential tool for growth marketers. In today’s post, we continue our introduction by discussing PDP's key offerings, and how consumer brands across the D2C space can benefit from integrating a PDP into their marketing stack.

Reeto Mookherjee

Apr 07, 2023 · 11 min read

Growth Marketing 2.0 in the Cookieless World: The Prospect Data Platform

The growth marketing landscape has changed significantly since iOS 14.5. Previously, growth marketers could rely on ad platforms to find new customers and scale marketing spend efficiently. Brands have since focused on collecting valuable zero- and first-party customer data, using Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) to unify customer profiles. However, CDPs have key limitations in relation to paid acquisition marketing and on-platform personalization, which led us to develop the Prospect Data Platform, the newest essential tool for growth marketers. Learn more in this article.

Reeto Mookherjee

Mar 31, 2023 · 6 min read

Understanding Meta’s Lookalike Audiences: Creation to iOS 14.5 ATT Changes and Beyond

Looking for ways to reach new customers for your business? Walled garden audience extension solutions like Meta's Lookalike Audiences, Google's Audience Expansion and TikTok's Lookalike Audiences are often the go-to solutions for advertisers to target prospective customers. But how do they work, and why have these solutions become less effective since Apple’s release of iOS 14.5? Let's focus on the largest and broadest platform, Meta, where most advertisers have found success for years.

Reeto Mookherjee

Mar 24, 2023 · 7 min read